The Future Is Here!
Massive thanks to the 99 UCH members (or families) who pledged a whopping $840,400 to the renovation of our church!
The Operation Next Gen Task Force is currently reviewing options for
– reconstructing our chancel,
– refurbishing our foyer,
– refashioning our restrooms,
– re-landscaping our property, and
– restoring the aesthetic integrity of the church.
Yes, we are the RE-people: we seek to update our campus to match the vitality and vigor of our 21st century community. We are trying to maximize the features that congregants and staff have most expressed a desire to see. Those desires must be balanced between our budget, present building codes, and the space itself.
We still have many more options to consider, safety measures to ensure, and negotiations to make, but we will present renovation plans at a ‘half-way’ point. We will have plotted out our main improvements and determined a reasonable range for our budget, but nothing will yet be in stone. You can weigh in! Plan to attend the UCH TOWN HALL meeting on Sunday, November 17, 2024 at NOON.
Architects Hired for UCH Re-Design
The architectural firm of Beers + Hoffman has been hired to offer a re-design of our UCH campus. The Lancaster-based firm has deep experience in church design; please check out their website for examples of their work.
We currently have conceptual sketches from the architect. As the design proceeds, we will provide architectural drawings when they are available.
In consultation with a number of UCH leaders, Beers + Hoffman will oversee a project to re-fit our physical space for the 21st century. The project will ensure that our building is safe and will maximize the potential of its lovely MCM design. We hope to raise funds to refurbish all parts of the church. Beers + Hoffman aims to design coherent campus spaces of beauty, simplicity, harmony with nature, and vitality. We expect that the design will announce our UU identity and give our spaces greater flexibility as we respond to the challenges that the coming years may bring.
Early July 2024: General Contractor Selected
The Capital Campaign Task force (CCTF) met with three contractors, performing a walkthrough of the church followed by an interview. Of the three, JEM Group of Camp Hill was selected to work with UCH and the architects on our renovations.
Mid-July 2024: Design Development Starts
- An initial kick-off meeting between UCH, Beers + Hoffman (architects), and JEM Group to review and update our current vision.
- The CCTF will meet with the architects every 2-3 weeks until a first draft plan is complete.
- The CCTF will coordinate with other UCH teams and committees as design aspects impacting them are discussed.
October 2024: Halfway Point Design Re-Assessment
- JEM Group will develop a new cost estimate of the updated plan to determine whether we are still within budget.
- The design will be re-assessed based on the new cost estimate. Items will be added to or removed from the project until the overall cost matches the available construction budget.
- A Town Hall meeting will be held to discuss the project status. Beers + Hoffman designers will be available for questions.
December 2024: Receive Guaranteed Maximum Price from Contractor
- Final design and plans should be 90-100% complete.
- The contractor will develop a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP).
January – February 2025: Apply for Code Approval and Building Permits
February – March 2025: CONSTRUCTION BEGINS!
Construction is anticipated to take three to eight months.
Congregation Approves Two Motions
At the December 10th Congregational Meeting, the congregation overwhelmingly approved two motions.
The first motion authorizes the Board to continue the project. It means the congregation wishes to proceed with a capital campaign to fundraise and spend money for the improvement of the church.
The second motion authorizes the Board to borrow money if they think it is necessary. However, the motion only authorizes borrowing the amount of unpaid pledges (that is, total amount pledged minus the amount already received). That means the church should not incur long-term debt if pledges are paid as anticipated.
Financial Feasibility Study and Priorities (October and November)
Our consultant, Liz Coit, interviewed a representative 23% of UCH members, involving 42 individuals. This helped us estimate the financial capacity of the congregation for a capital campaign.
From this, we have set a goal of $690,000 in pledges to undertake the project.
Some findings:
- 100% intend to support Operation Next Gen. (This has never happened in Liz’s practice before!)
- 90% are already somewhat or very familiar with the proposed campaign
Over and over, participants found UCH strengths in:
- Committed lay and professional leadership
- Resilient, friendly, and persevering congregation
- UCH programs for spiritual development and social engagement
Operation Next Gen will begin setting priorities from an 11-page list of desires for making the Clover Lane campus ready for the next generation of Harrisburg Unitarians. Our three focus areas are the foyer, the sanctuary, and the Common Room, with special attention to bathrooms, kitchen, and the outdoors.
previous events
- July-October 2023 – Architectural firm of Beers + Hoffman develops preliminary concepts and a cost estimate
- October 2023 – Financial Feasibility Study targets around 22 representative members to determine our financial capacity
- November 2023 – Preliminary Architectural Drawings unveiled
- December 10, 2023 – Congregational Meeting to vote on extent of renovation
- January 2024 – Final design of renovations begin
From The Reporter, September 2023:
Mary Henninger-Voss, David Spear, Guy Dannelley, Andy Back, Lois Voigt, and Rev. Sandra Fees have been shepherding the early phases of this project, but they will be reaching out soon to enlist much-needed assistance. Please be prepared to lend a hand!
Watch in all our publications for a box that that will keep everyone informed and provide links to important documents of this journey—from its beginnings in the Building and Grounds Improvement Task Force Report to the Strategic Plan to the present.
- Presentation from May 2024 Annual Meeting
- Presentation from December 2023 Town Hall Meeting
- September 2023 Reporter Article
- Goals of the Strategic Plan (Approved in Feb/March 2023)
- Grid for the Strategic Plan (Approved in Feb/March 2023)
- Foundational Document for Operation Next Generation (Distributed at cottage meetings Spring 2022)
- Building and Grounds Improvement Task Force Report (December 2021)
- MAKE IT SO Brochure
- Make a Pledge
Contributions to our ongoing capital efforts are graciously welcomed.
Questions or comments? Email the team at
Or speak to any of the team: Mary Henninger-Voss, Chair, Andy Back, Guy Dannelley, Rev. Bran Lennox, David Spear, Lois Voigt.