Paths to Membership


There are multiple paths to membership.

(1) If you are currently a member of another UU congregation and wish to join the UCH, you may sign the book at any time. Please coordinate with a representative of the Membership Action Council.

(2) Approximately twice a year, the Membership Action Council conducts a three-hour orientation for those interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism and the UCH. The class is normally held on a Saturday morning, occasionally on alternate days or evenings. At the end of the session, those who wish to do so may sign the Membership Book.

(3) Under extenuating circumstances, after consultation with the minister, an individual may sign the Membership Book without attending the membership class. 


Signing the Membership Book is the first step in what we hope is a long and fruitful relationship with our church community. This is a two-way relationship, and we encourage members to engage in active participation in church affairs, based on time and interest.     

When you sign the book, we will provide the following:

  • A “Connection Coach” who serve as an as-needed mentor, available to answer questions you may have about the church, its mission, and the opportunities available to you.
  • A logon ID to the members-only section of our website, with access to the members directory.
  • A pledge card, with advice on how you may contribute financially to the organization.
  • Ideas on activities potentially of interest to you and your family.

Membership is open to adults and youths aged 13 and older. Most children participate in church activities as an extension of their parents’ membership.


An annual congregational meeting occurs in late spring, with other congregational meetings scheduled on an as-needed basis. To vote at these meetings, you must be a member and have a contribution of record within the preceding 12 months. This is normally (1) a financial contribution, such as pledge or plate donation, or (2) a service donation, such as participation on a church team or committee. Please confer with the minister or another church representative if you are uncertain as to your eligibility to vote.