Music ministry is the process by which we provide spiritual sustenance to our congregants while supporting and uplifting our UU principles, traditions, and sources. This process is at the forefront of thought through each stage of preparation: from musical selection, to rehearsals, and finally into the performance. Emotional responses will be evoked and each person (musicians and congregants alike) will have their own, unique experience allowing nourishment to the soul.
Guided by this philosophy, UCH Music Ministry is a warm and welcoming environment open to anyone who would like to be involved! Our Sunday services are filled with music – from congregational singing to various ensembles and instrumentalists.
Several opportunities are provided throughout the year for youth to be involved. Whether joining our adult vocal choir for joint events, playing instruments during service, or participating in our family handbell choir, RingIn’, there is sure to be a way to share the talents of our younger members.
We are blessed to have so many talented musicians of all ages within our congregation! Our “resident band” joins in on various selections and services, Song Leaders lead us in congregational singing, and vocalists, instrumentalists, and dancers provide music and art year-round. Those who prefer to assist behind the scenes are always welcome, whether filing music or volunteering for various events.
Bell Choir
The UCH Bell Choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm (mid-August through May). Our twelve, dedicated ringers play a wide array of music utilizing both handbells and hand chimes. We typically perform the second Sunday of each month and occasionally collaborate with the vocal choir and other handbell ensembles. We are always excited to have new ringers! No experience is required, but being able to read music at a basic level is quite useful. Email Yvonne at for more information.
Vocal Choir
The UCH Vocal Choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 7:15-8:45 pm (mid-August through May). With around 25 vocalists, we are a lively bunch excited about exploring various styles of music – from classical and traditional hymns to pop and rock, and anything in between. We typically perform twice per month and participate in music-based services. Whether you sang in choirs your whole life or just sing in the shower, we would love to have you! This is a non-audition group where we learn about music fundamentals. We work hard, but have fun in the process. To learn more, email Yvonne at
Heart Song
My mom has never been one for Christmas carolers, seeing the songs as trite and the ritual not very meaningful to her. But the day Heart Song filled her room with UU hymns, she felt truly uplifted. Declining health prevents attendance at church so church came to her, right in the comfort of her nursing home suite. As her daughter and former choir member, I was able to join right in. It’s hard to capture the power of music in a paragraph but, suffice to say, the choir struck all the right chords. We all sang because we were moved to happiness that day. Heartfelt thanks to all of you who offer this gift to those in need. ~ Kendra
Heart Song is our compassionate choir, working closely with our Pastoral Care team. Rather than performance-based, the aim is to provide healing through the power of music. When requested, we visit members at home or in the hospital for a 15-20 minute sing. The majority of music is selected from our hymnals, catered specifically to the individual we are singing to. Rehearsals are scheduled prior to a visit and we always welcome new members. To request a singing visit or join Heart Song, please email Yvonne at