The Reverend Doctor Richard Speck is the retired District Executive for the Joseph Priestley District. Previously, he served nine years as minister in Vero Beach, FL before coming to the JPD. He graduated from Meadville/Lombard Theological School with a Doctorate in Ministry.Richard continues to be active in social justice programs. He also conducts weddings, memorial services and funerals, and continues preaching in area congregations. Richard’s career before the ministry was as a respiratory therapist. He left health care to pursue new avenues of serving humanity through the ministry. He is married to Janet Tillman and resides in Wilmington, DE. He enjoys making music, flying his own airplane, and creating stained glass art. Janet and Richard have two cats.
“The theme for the month is “Finding Our Center”. I believe that this is finding what grounds us as we traverse this life. It means finding your footing on unstable ground, figuratively speaking. It means grounding yourself in truth and rediscovering your essence. It means feeling well, stable, inspired, and hopeful. What is most important to us and helps us the most? We will explore this theme on Sunday.”
The requirement of masks is based on the current COVID community risk level in Dauphin County. Masks are required for medium or high risk levels; they are optional when the county is in the low risk level. The current level will be posted on the front doors of the church.
You can also livestream the service at or watch via Zoom. The Zoom link for the January 22nd service will be emailed Sunday morning. To subscribe to our email list, click on News in the menu bar above.