This Sunday, July 30th, we invite all UCH members and friends to come together for a Service Watch Party at 10:30 am in the UCH Common Room. Coffee hour will occur during the service so you can watch a live-streamed service as you enjoy your morning coffee.
The live-streamed service “Defiant Love: Interrogating Our Heritage” will feature UCH’s own JD Stillwater who will be joining the Rev. Ben Atherton-Zeman at the Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Petersburg, Florida.
The service will be about how “some aspects of our inherited cultural system are clearly harmful to our planet, our descendants, and our own humanity. How did this happen? The study of trauma and the science of epigenetics offers clues. In the context of our damaged and dysfunctional culture, acting with honor for our ancestors, respect for ourselves, and love for future generations often looks like rudeness or radical defiance. Sometimes, Love requires us to defy our own heritage.”
If you do not wish to join the watch party, please consider watching the service from home. The link to watch will also be included in the News You Can UUse and Sunday Service emails.
RE Families,
We hope you will not change your plans and will come to UCH on Sunday for Summer RE!
A wonderful lesson for our youth is planned around the miraculous transformation of a pollywog to frog and how it relates to our 7th Principle, the Web of Life.
Parents can join the watch party/coffee hour in the room next door!