The talk by Karen Tibbals, “How can we learn to love our enemies?” will provide both spiritual and psychological tools to help us get past our tendencies to demonize our enemies.
Karen holds a Masters of Religion from Earlham School of Religion, a Quaker seminary. She has written a book on how we can talk to each other more productively, called Persuade, Don’t Preach and writes a weekly newsletter on other tools to help us in our polarized society. She lives amidst the cornfields and Christmas Tree farms in rural northern New Jersey with her college sweetheart.
The requirement of masks is based on the current COVID community risk level in Dauphin County. Masks are required for medium or high risk levels; they are optional when the county is in the low risk level. The current level will be posted on the front doors of the church.
You can also livestream the service at YouTube.com/UCHBG or watch via Zoom. The Zoom link for the February 12th service will be emailed Sunday morning. To subscribe to our email list, click on News in the menu bar above.