Many of us dread engaging in conflict because it is uncomfortable, frightening, and seems destructive. Yet conflict engaged in well is a crucial ingredient of building more loving relationships on the personal and community level. Worship leader Ginny Sassaman offers heartfelt and practical suggestions for following the path of love by facing conflict with courage, compassion, and creativity.
Ginny Sassaman has a Masters in Mediation and Applied Conflict Studies, and a Certificate in Positive Psychology. Since 2013, she has served as a lay preacher for Unitarian Universalist congregations in Vermont, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and South Carolina since 2013. Her specialty is shining a light on the multiple ways that encouraging personal happiness and systemic well-being can help create a better world for all beings. She is the author of Preaching Happiness: Creating a Just and Joyful World, a collection of her sermons published in 2020. She is a co-founder of Gross National Happiness USA, creator of the Happiness Paradigm, and a secular meditation teacher. She is a member of the Unitarian Church of Montpelier, where she serves as Worship Associate and a member of the choir.
The requirement of masks is based on the current COVID community risk level in Dauphin County. Masks are required for medium or high risk levels; they are optional when the county is in the low risk level. The current level will be posted on the front doors of the church.
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